Application for an Absentee Ballot.
A list of accepted recycling items.
Access to the ADA complaint form.
View an interactive air quality map
Report concerns of air quality that could be causing potential health issues.
Information on how to register your alarm system online.
Report pets that are loose, off leash, biting people or other pets. Report any potential animal abuse or maltreatment.
Report any inhumane killing of animals both wild and domestic.
Report a blighted property or building
An online application for a Zoning Text Change.
View open jobs in the City of Stamford and get applications for open jobs. For more information on open city jobs, seasonal jobs, and promotional opportunities, visit the Human Resources Department website.
Find open positions and apply to serve on Stamford Boards and Commissions.
Report damage to Apron of your driveway. The Apron is the first four feet of a driveway from the edge of the City Road.
Purchase a beach permit online, by mail or in person to park at one of Stamford's many beaches.
Report concerns of bed bugs at private or commercial properties.
Information on bids & request for proposals notices, including current RFPs/RFQs and Bid Opportunities.
An online form that allows you to request a Birth Certificate.
Neighborhood being negatively impacted by buildings/property that have fallen into despair.
File a formal complaint to the Board of Ethics.
View the Board of Reps meeting schedule
Check if you are at risk of being booted or towed.
Report bridges and overpass structural concerns.
See fiscal year budgets, including current year operating and capital budgets.
Access Owners Certification Form, a Workers' Compensation Coverage Affidavit, Certificate of Liability Insurance, and Non-Owners Affidavit.
Apply for a permit for any structure, internal renovation, replacing, electrical work, plumbing work, heating and cooling work, demolishing or building. View the guide for obtaining a building permit for single family residential properties.
Report suspected construction without a permit.
Access to: Application For A Special Event, Application For Showmobile (Mobile Stage), Application For Solicitors Permit, Application For Street Vendor Permit, Film Permit, Parking Meter Rental Application, Permit to Vend Permits in Parks (One-Day), and Residential On Street Handicapped Parking Space Application.
Report any concerns regarding catch basins.
Breath of Fresh Air Asthma Program is a National Association of County and City Health Officials Best Practice award-winning free program designed to educate families and to reduce exposure to asthma triggers in the home.
Updated information on Christmas tree pick up dates and rules.
The Stamford Police Department will accept complaints against employees in writing, verbal, in person, by mail, by telephone, by facsimile, electronic, or anonymous. Able to file in English and Spanish
Report any concerns with a park building.
Request athletic field lights be repaired.
Request field repairs to include cleaning, painting, or lawn maintenance.
Report dock or boat slip concerns.
Report overgrown vegetation or need for maintenance of City median/island.
Inform us of any concerns regarding your City Parks. Tell us how we can improve!
Online access to a Civil Union Certification Form.
Please file a claim with town clerk. Email Phone (203) 977-4054
Please file a claim with town clerk. Email Phone (203) 977-4054
Submit driving feedback concerning use of a city vehicle by city employees.
These requests are assigned to the Police District Captains in an effort to assist residents with concerns regarding their communities.
It is Mayor Martin's personal priority that Citizen concerns or complaints be heard and handled. Your concerns or complaints about the acts of an employee or practices of City Departments allows us to evaluate both our organizations practices and the effectiveness of our employees.
Please tell us about your experience! Mayor Martin values City employees who aim to serve and excel!
Report any concerns of pollutants or contaminants pouring into catch basins.
Information on how and where to get a Covid test in Stamford
Information on how to get a Covid vaccine in Stamford.
Report damage to curbs in residential areas on City owned streets.
Report concerns in daycare facilities that could pose a concern or threat to the health and welfare of residents.
An online form that allows you to request a Death Certificate.
Report debris removal piles that were not picked up during the established City-wide pick up. Debris that does not fit the parameters established by the City will not be picked up. A citation officer will be sent to the location.
Information on delinquent real estate, personal property and motor vehicle taxes.
Internal Request type that directs community policing concerns to the assigned Captain.
Access the Dog License Form along with information on the process of licensing a new dog.
Lists of park rules and upcoming dog events at the Courtland Avenue Dog Park.
Report a City sign that has been knocked down.
Report Drainage Issues/Concerns from an active development. Including flooding, surface pondings, substandard performance of installed structures, etc.
Stamford residents with a "Dump Permit" are allowed to dump 200lbs. free per day. To obtain a permit, bring your Stamford registered passenger vehicle registration to the Scale House. If your vehicle is not registered in Stamford, a utility bill at your Stamford address is required along with the vehicle registration.
Access to the FEMA Map Service Center, the official public source for flood hazard information produced in support of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). Use the MSC to find your official flood map, access a range of other flood hazard products, and take advantage of tools for better understanding flood risk.
Information on the Elderly Tax Credit Program for Seniors
Get information on voting in elections, including how to register to vote, election day hours, polling locations, ballots, absentee ballot information and all other voter information.
Access to the Engineering Department's downloadable forms, including: Granite Block Waiver, House Number Information Sheet, Night/Noise Waiver Work Permit, Street Use (Obstruction) and Street Opening (Excavation) Permit, Storm Sewer Connection Waiver, Street Opening Permit Application, Instructions, and Restoration Details - (PRINTED - Bring to Engineering Dept.), Street Opening | Street Use Permit - (Online- View Permit), Street Use (Obstruction) Permit Application, and Street Use (Obstruction) Permit Fee Structure.
Access to the Environmental Protection Board's downloadable forms, including: Application for a Permit to Conduct Regulated Entertainment / Recreation (Inland Wetland and Watercourse Regulations), Bond Permit Compliance EPB, Bond Permit Compliance Planning, Bond Permit Compliance Zoning, Conservation Easement Form Planning Board, Contractor's Compliance Statement, Drainage Maintenance Agreement, and Landscape Maintenance Agreement.
Access to Coastal Area Management Regulations, Flood Prone Area Regulations, Inland Wetland and Watercourses Regulations, and Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Regulations.
Request information relating to the regulations administered by EPB. This includes inland wetland and watercourse regulations. Flood prone area regulations, coastal area management regulations, and sediment and erosion control regulations.
Ensures that eligible uninsured and underinsured children, families and single adults have access to affordable health coverage through Access Health Connecticut.
A City vehicle, employee, or City tree damaged my fence. Please file a claim with town clerk by sending an email to or by calling (203) 977-4054
Find your voting location for the upcoming municipal, state or federal election using your street name and number.
Submit a service request. Report a pothole, request missed garbage or recycling pickup, report an obstruction for removal, report speeding issues and light outages, report housing concerns, submit citizen feedback and claims (including filing a public health complaint), make requests to WPCA sewers, and report any violations of the City Plastic Bag Ordinance.
Effective flood insurance rate maps, flood regulations, flood preparedness, and flood protection resources.
Helpful hints for flood zone construction/renovation permit applicants.
Request a flood zone determination. This includes flood insurance rate map (FIRM) number, date, zone designation, and elevation range (provide a detailed address and lot number to assist in the records search).
Learn about the city initiative to start a compost recycling program.
Access to the freedom of information request form.
Find the day of the week for your trash pickup an recycling pickup at your address. This search applies to residential properties only (single family or multi family) at this time. It does not include condominiums.
Request a garbage / trash toter for your residence.
Report any leaking substances or environmentally unsafe garbage vehicles both commercial or public.
Request vital statistical genealogy information.
Report any housing concerns not otherwise identified.
Get a permit for the use of the pavilion at Cummings Park, the pavilion at Edward Hunt & Chestnut Hill Parks, the pavilion at Scalzi Park, Barrett Park Picnic and Park, Cove Island Park, John Boccuzzi Park Picnic, and Kosciuszko Park.
Get a Resident Golf Permit, valid at both Sterling Farms and E. Gaynor Brennan Golf courses for one calender year.
Report graffiti on City property.
All Graffiti on private property should be reported to the Stamford Police Non-Emergency Dispatch at (203) 977-4444 or Stamford Police Department.
Report dented, mangled, or missing guard rails.
A helpful guide to plants and landscape, including plants for gardening in wet and wooded areas.
Information on how to obtain a hairdresser license, barbershop license or cosmetology license.
“Waivers are granted to residents in single family houses only in need of assistance for backyard collection service. We will not provide this service to multi-family units, rental apartments nor to residences with family members that are physically capable of bring waste to the curb.”
Schedule of household hazardous waste collection days for participating communities.
Have a general question for the Highways Department? Allow us to answer your questions here.
Hire police officers, vehicles, a cop, a supervisor or security for a private event.
Apply for a Historic Preservation Advisory Commission review.
Access to historical grand lists.
Report erratic driving by City of Stamford employees.
Report a possible illegal business being operated from a residential family home.
Report any illegal dumping in public areas or on City streets. All illegal dumping at private residence will be reported to the City citation officer.
Report suspected illegal apartments, basement bedrooms, or basement apartments.
Report concerns of someone selling without a license. (not food trucks but parade vendors, newspapers, etc.) Sec. 179-11
An immigration toolkit and Family Preparedness Plan provided by the State.
The Immunization Action Program (IAP) works with physician offices to ensure that all area children are being immunized according to schedule. The IAP coordinator can help parents find a provider for their child (if they don't have one) or refer them as needed.
Information on the process of obtaining a Barber/Beauty/Cosmetology Shop License.
Request pick up of pets or wild animals that are found dead in the road.
Report insect infestations in homes.
An interactive map of the City of Stamford's growing development, indicating the location of completed, in-progress, approved, and proposed developments.
Interactive map of Stamford's various parks and beaches.
Access Land Use Documents/Forms, Such as a zoning permit, Sign permit and a patio/cafe permit.
A City vehicle/employee damaged your lawn. Please file a claim with town clerk. Email Phone (203) 977-4054
Report concerns or potential threat of lead poisoning in public, private, or commercial establishments.
Identify lead in drinking water.
Leaves intentionally placed or stockpiled on roadways.
Report litter or debris in a park that needs to be cleaned up.
Search land records online or apply for access to Stamford Land Records.
Search a database to find out who your City Representative is
Please file a claim with town clerk. Email Phone (203) 977-4054 .
MPT guidelines are meant to give anyone working on roadways a clear understanding of how to develop and implement safe, efficient, and effective maintenance and protection of traffic plans.
Report concerns with the round City manhole covers. Describe whether the manhole cover is loose, off, or broken.
Get a Marina Slip/Ramp Permit
An online Marriage Application form.
Requirements for a marriage license.
Report health concerns regarding massage therapy establishments within City limits.
Access to the Massage Plan Review Application and Massage License Application.
Access to text and map change application forms for the Master plan.
The Mayor will meet one-on-one with residents by appointment. Members of the Mayor's staff and the Citizen's Service Center are often on hand to help address citizen concerns.
Garbage/trash was not picked up on regularly scheduled day.
Garbage/trash was not picked up on regularly schedule day.
Recycling was not picked up on regularly schedule day.
All holiday trees must be placed curb side no later than January 15th. Trees that are not curbside by January 15th will not be picked up.
Report a leaf pile that was not picked up during the established City-wide pick up. Leaves that are not put out during the established pick up dates will not be picked up.
Recycle was not picked up on regularly scheduled day.
The City plows the streets by prioritizing emergency routes in the downtown area (see snow plowing route). If your street has not been plowed 10 hours after a major snow storm, please submit a request here.
Report a street sign that is missing.
Report concerns regarding mold that could be harmful to residents.
Access to information regarding motor vehicle tax bills.
Report issues regarding a nail salon, barber shop, or any other cosmetology establishment.
Report a building with no heat.
Report a building with no running water.
Report violations of the Noise Ordinance.
Report wild animals that are stalking, harming, biting, or acting irregularly.
A three-step process to obtain a temporary outdoor dining permit for your restaurant or caf'.
Get a handicap placard or apply for residential on-street handicap space.
Report a concern not listed.
Report overcrowding in residential dwellings.
Report repeated overflowing garbage/trash at commercial, residential, or private property.
Report overgrown brush on sides of City roads.
Access to the Owner's Certification Form for Building Inspections.
Report a vehicle that is parking in a residential parking permit area illegally, a vehicle in a residential area that has not moved in 5 days, or an abandoned vehicle.
A list of parking garages and lot fees. Includes description & enforcement, rate, and payment options of each location.
Report any concerns in City parking garages.
Report inoperable or damaged parking meters for repair.
Appeals must be filed within 15 calendar days of the ticket issuance. When submitting an appeal, include and submit all supporting documentation: pictures, copies of permits, meter receipts, registration and repair bills; etc. Invalid reasons for ticket appeals are listed, along with a form to file an appeal.
List of all parks, golf courses, beaches and other recreation sites.
Report crosswalks, center lines that are faded or non-existent.
Pay parking tickets online easily via entering a citation number. To see all open citations for your vehicle, enter your license plate number and state. You may also enter your VIN number to see all open citations.
Pay your WPCA Sewer Bill
Pay your Stamford personal property taxes, real estate and motor vehicle taxes online, by phone, mail or in person.
Pay Personal Property, Real Estate and Motor Vehicle Taxes online.
Find and adopt pets, like dogs and cats. Animal adoption forms are also available.
Simple Recycling is a company that will pick up your textiles curb side. This helps the city and the planet keep textiles out of landfills. This is a private company that picks up your pink bags. You can email them at or call them at (866) 835-5068 them for bags.
Report a violation of the plastic bag ordinance.
You can report any potholes within Stamford city limits. When reporting pothole, be as specific as possible (i.e. nearest street address, near the driveway, intersection of Washington Blvd and Bell St., etc.)
Access to various downloadable forms within the Department of Property Assessment, including: M59A Additional Veterans Application - State, M-65 MV Application, Motor Vehicle Address Change Request, Real Estate Address Change Request, Request For Data Mailer, SCRA Non-Resident Active Duty MV Exemption, CT Resident Active Duty MV Exemption - SITUS, Tax Exempt Organization Application and Quadrennial Renewal, and Wheelchair MV Exemption.
Public garbage/trash is overflowing or needs to be picked up.
Report overflowing public recycling bins.
Search Property Assessment's Real Estate Database. Information on Residential Sales, Condominium Sales, and Commercial Sales
Various locations for recycling and waste disposal centers.
Property Tax Refund/Transfer Form.
Report rodent infestations in homes.
Report activities being conducted in regulated areas. Regulated areas include wetlands, watercourses, special flood hazard areas and designated open space preserve/conservation easements.
Access to the materials needed for the Renters Rebate Program.
All emergencies should be reported by calling 911. Routine or non-emergency calls should be reported by calling 203-977-4444 or you may come to Police HQ at 805 Bedford Street. Some routine calls, such as Identity Theft or lost or stolen cell phones, require the victim to fill out forms.
Report a pothole on a State road.
Immediately report any suspected identity theft or credit card fraud to a credit reporting agency. This can be done online or by telephone. Agencies and resources are listed on the Police Department website.
Request regulatory or warning signs such as a no turn on red, yield, or no U TURN sign.
Request video from traffic cameras. Video is available upon request, up to 30 days following an incident (includes traffic cameras and Blue Light poles).
Apply, change, remove or obtain a Resident Parking Permit. View a map and list of all residential parking zones
Stamford CARES (Coalition for AIDS Resources, Education and Services) offers by direct service or through its community partners, access to health and support services to children, adolescents, adults and families living with HIV/AIDS in the Stamford region.
If a sidewalk cafe is impeding sidewalk access, report it here.
File a complaint with the Health Department regarding restaurants or food service establishments within the City limits.
Report suspected failures of retaining walls on public or private property.
Report a large patch in road with straight line cuts that is sinking or dangerous.
Find out what roads are scheduled to be paved and a map of all recently paved streets.
Report sewer complaint such as sewage backing into residence, toilets, and sink drainage. FOR ALL EMERGENCY REQUESTS CALL (203)977-4596 or (203) 943-1476.
Have a general question for the Sanitation Department? Allow us to answer your questions here.
Schedule, request, or cancel an inspection.
The School Readiness Council offers a grant program for private for-profit centers or non-profit centers, in public schools or a part of Head Start. Interested programs should either be currently accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) or able to earn accreditation within three years from their date of funding. School Readiness children must reside in Stamford.
Find lost animals and report animal sightings.
CommercialCafe allows users to search for office spaces to rent in Stamford, CT. You may search by neighborhoods, zip codes, current maps, radius, or polygon.
Search for your tax billing data online.
Report sediment and erosion control or other quality issues from an active development. This includes tracking of sediment on public streets, absent or ill maintained erosion controls, airborne dust, spills, etc.
Report leaking septic trucks or any potential inappropriate disposal of sewage from septic trucks.
Report sewer overflowing from a manhole onto a City Street. FOR ALL EMERGENCY REQUESTS CALL (203)977-4596 or (203) 943-1476.
Information regarding types of property subject to sewer assessments.
Located at 137 Henry Street, Stamford, CT, the Sexual Transmitted Disease (STD) clinic offers walk-in service.
The Share the Fare program is for Stamford residents over the age of 62 and for disabled individuals. Share the Fare offers improved travel opportunities through a subsidized taxi program. For more information on where to purchase Share the Fare vouchers, what a Share the Fare voucher book is, how to arrange for a taxi service, how to pay the taxi driver, and a list of taxi companies participating in the Share the Fare program, visit the Social Services Department website.
Access to the Shellfish Water Form.
Report a case of sidewalks not being cleared of snow 12 hours after a storm. Please see city ordinance regarding clearing sidewalks for pedestrians. A citation officer will be sent to the location.
Report a damaged, vandalized, or worn sign.
The CT ALERT Emergency notification system, enables state and local 911 emergency communication centers to provide essential information quickly in a variety of emergency situations.
Information on winter storm weather and City snow emergencies.
When it is determined that a storm is approaching, trucks will be geared up, plows will be mounted, and plow crews will go on alert. The steps below ensure that residents are within 3 or 4 blocks of a treated roadway during the course of the storm and that complete vehicle access is available as soon as possible when the storm is over.
Report untreated swimming pools; construction sites; planters; or fish ponds that could be breeding grounds for mosquitoes.
The Stamford Arts & Culture (SAC) Grant (Formerly known as the CAPP Grant) provides funding to support Stamford's arts and cultural institutions and enable them to pursue engaging projects and programming within the city that is open and accessible to the public.
Access to the 2021 Code of Ordinances.
Information on Stamford's recreational programs, leagues, and employment opportunities (including registration). Recreation Services offers comprehensive and inclusive leisure opportunities and experiences for the youth and adult population, including many diverse programs, events, and athletic leagues.
The Stamford Street Smart Initiative is a citywide public safety and awareness campaign. The initiative is focused on the three key areas: enforcement, engineering and education.
Report a street light that is not working.
Get a street opening permit (Also known as an excavation permit).
Request street sweeping on City roads.
Request inspection of a tree for potential removal.
An online application for the Subdivision of Property.
Find the next Take It or Leave It event.
Online access to the Assessor's database, including property assessments.
Information on how to pay your tax bills, when property taxes are due, and when taxes become delinquent.
Information on fees and interest.
Access to Assessor's Tax Maps, Tax Maps with 2' Contours, and an Assessor's Historic Aerials (1959 & 1979) Map.
Terry Conners Ice Rink, located in beautiful Cove Island Park in Stamford, has served the skaters of Stamford and its surrounding neighbors since 1973. The Rink is owned and operated by the City of Stamford, offering affordable hockey, figure skating, and basic skills programs for all residents.
You may bring ticks to the Stamford Department of Health Laboratory to be identified and tested for the causative agents of Lyme disease (Borrelia burgdorferi), Human Granulocytic Anaplasmosis (Anaplasma phagocytophilum), and Babesiosis (Babesia microti). For additional information on Lyme Disease, visit the Health Laboratory Department website.
Discover fun museums, performances, restaurants & bars, parks & beaches, and hotels.
Information on business trade names, including trade name registrations and trade name look up.
View a list and map of all traffic construction Capital Projects
For all other traffic signal issues (timing, walk buttons, etc.) please complete a request. IF A TRAFFIC SIGNAL IS OUT OF SERVICE PLEASE CALL POLICE NON-EMERGENCY (203-977-4444).
Report a down or leaning tree. Report large branches that have fallen from a City tree that are obstructing roads or sidewalks.
Report unsafe conditions with tree grates on City sidewalks or foot paths.
Report a tree that is obstructing the right of way or causing obstruction of signs or road ways.
Report any signs on residential or commercial property that are suspected to be in violation of the City Zoning Regulation.
Report unsafe conditions on City sidewalks or foot paths.
Report residential street handicap parking space that is going unused.
Report hazardous trees or nuisance vegetation situated in a regulated area. Regulated areas include wetlands, watercourses, special flood hazard areas and designated open space preserve/conservation easements.
Information on Veteran's Discharges and access to the Affidavit of Claimant for Military Exemption form.
The laboratory will test well water for a variety of parameters and test water from homes on a public water supply (city water) for lead and copper.
Report concerns regarding the measuring of fuel at gas pumps, the scales at grocery stores, gauging fuel usage from oil trucks, and the potential need to calibrate road scales.
Results of well water testing, including a map providing the test results for Chlordane and Dieldrin (city and private).
Information regarding what is regulated, what a watercourse is, and what wetlands are.
Concerns resulting from the storm. This request form is for Non-Emergency Concerns.
Report a building, structure, land, excavation, signage, or residential area for commercial use that may be in violation of Zoning Regulations.
An online application to apply for a change in the Stamford zoning map.
Stamford Open Space and Watershed Land Acquisition Program
I’m excited to announce that the City of Stamford has been awarded $2,250,000 from the State Open Space and Watershed Land Acquisition Grant Program. This acquisition, 4.9 miles north of the city center, consists of 2 parcels with wooded areas and trails designed for hiking, walking, and nature observation.
The parcels are within the Mianus River Greenway, which protects the Mianus River entering Cos Cob Harbor and Long Island Sound. The purchase will provide benefits to the local community through the protection of clean drinking water, increased recreation opportunities, and support the native flora and fauna.
March for Our Lives Rally
Come to Mill River tomorrow, June 11 at 11:00 am for the Stamford March for Our Lives Rally. If you’d like to speak or perform, fill out the following form:
Monday afternoon, I was thrilled to join Charter Communications CEO Tom Rutledge, Office of Governor Ned Lamont, Charter employees, and state and local community partners to celebrate the opening of the new Charter Communications headquarters. Charter Communications is the second largest cable operator in the United States and the fastest growing television and internet provider in the world.
We are grateful that they chose to move and expand their headquarters in Stamford. Since coming to Stamford, Charter has created 1,700 jobs, invested $100 million in this corporate headquarters, and millions in philanthropic efforts to support Stamford nonprofits. I am grateful to Charter’s leadership and employees for their dedication to our community and for their work to provide critical workforce connectivity technology for millions of Americans across the country.
Alexander Barker’s Mars Perseverance Rover
ICYMI: Congratulations to Alexander Barker, an eighth-grader at Scofield Middle School, who created a replica of the Mars Perseverance Rover as part of his graduating project at school known as "Exhibition." His project is 600 pounds and made out of wood, metal, plastic, PVC pipe and cardboard, and designed to match the dimensions of the real Mars Perseverance Rover, which measures at 10 feet long, 9 feet wide and about 7 feet tall!
Read more here:
Davenport Elementary School Art Show
Last week, I was thrilled to visit the Davenport Elementary School Art Show and see the beautiful artwork that the students created this year. I also had the honor of presenting Senator Pat Billie Miller with the SPEF Education in Excellence award for her commitment and dedication to educational equity. I also attended the Stamford Public School Adult Education graduation ceremony. Congratulations to all the 2022 graduates!
Stamford BOE Teacher Retirement Celebration
It was great to stop by the Stamford Board of Education retirement celebration in honor of teachers who have served our community for many years. Thank you to Stamford High Science Teacher David DelGiudice for your 25 years of public service & congratulations to all the teachers who were recognized and for your dedication and commitment to Stamford students!
Stamford Government Center 888 Washington Boulevard Stamford, CT 06901 (203) 977-4140
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